About me

I am Yuming Zhai (翟育铭), a Chinese researcher working on computational linguistics. After five years of bachelor study in French language and linguistics (at Dalian University of Foreign Languages and the University of Rouen), I had the chance to continue my master study in computational linguistics at the National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations to broaden my professional career. During my master, I did three consecutive internships as a linguistic engineer in the startup XiKO. In 2016, I obtained a French ministerial scholarship for my doctoral study at the University of Paris-Saclay, CNRS, LIMSI (now LISN). In 2019, I defended my thesis in Natural Language Processing on the subject of recognising sub-sentential translation techniques, which was supervised by Anne Vilnat and Gabriel Illouz. After my PhD study, I worked during one year as a teaching and research assistant at LIMSI and the University of Paris-Saclay (department of computer science). From 2020 to 2023, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Artificial Intelligence and Human Languages Lab of Beijing Foreign Studies University. Now, I'm a lecturer at the School of foreign languages in North China Electric Power University.



2023.8 - present
North China Electric Power University (华北电力大学), School of foreign languages, Beijing, China

Postdoctoral researcher

2020.9 - 2023.8
Beijing Foreign Studies University, Artificial Intelligence and Human Languages Lab, China

Postdoctoral supervisors: Yueguo Gu and Jinlan Tang.

Participate in the Rosetta Project


ROSETTA: Resources for Endangered Languages through Translated Texts
Collaborative interdisciplinary project between Stanford University and University of Lille
Working with Amel Fraisse, Jenn Ronald, Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Zheng Zhang and Alex Zhai

Teaching and Research Assistant

2019.9 - 2020.8
University of Paris-Saclay, CNRS, LIMSI, France

The courses that I taught are listed below.

PhD in Computer Science

2016.10 - 2019.12
University of Paris-Saclay, CNRS, LIMSI, France

Master internship

2015 - 2016
XiKO, Paris, France

develop linguistic resources, text mining
prepare configuration file for crawling web pages
compare and implement methods of feature selection for automatic document classification
Supervised by Gaël Patin and Damien Nouvel





Mobile learning for less-commonly taught languages: design and application
Jinlan Tang*, Yuming Zhai*, Lingxiao Li, Peixin Liu and Hongxun Deng (November 2024), Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning, doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/jccall-2024-0006
Exploring the Design and Application of an Intelligent French Dictation Platform
Yuming Zhai, Xiaoliang Huang and Nina Tian (October 2024), Distances et médiations des savoirs, numéro 47, doi: 10.4000/12jk4
French error type annotation for dictation: A platform with automatic error type annotation for French dictation exercises
Ying Qin, Yumeng Luo and Yuming Zhai* (January 2023), Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI), doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1075932
Towards Recognizing Phrase Translation Processes: Experiments on English-French
Yuming Zhai, Pooyan Safari, Gabriel Illouz, Alexandre Allauzen and Anne Vilnat (2019), POLIBITS, vol.60, pp. 27-33 [code][bibtex]


翟育铭,张妍璟 (2023年6月),《外语智慧教学研究前沿》,外语教学与研究出版社
翟育铭,张帅 (2023年6月),《外语智慧教学研究前沿》,外语教学与研究出版社


FRETA-D: A Toolkit of Automatic Annotation of Grammatical and Phonetic Error Types in French Dictations
Yumeng Luo, Yuming Zhai* and Ying Qin (2022), In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems (IEEE CCIS, EI indexed), November 26th-28th, Chengdu, China.
Exploring the Design and Application of an Intelligent French Dictation Platform
Yuming Zhai, Nina Tian and Xiaoliang Huang (2022), In Proceedings of the Conference Distance education: a brave new world? (co-organized by the French National Centre for Distance Education and The Open University, held online on October 20th-21th). Selected for the academic exchange project of the 2022 Chinese Postdoctoral International Exchange Program.
Detecting Non-literal Translations by Fine-tuning Cross-lingual Pre-trained Language Models
Yuming Zhai, Gabriel Illouz and Anne Vilnat (2020), In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'20). Barcelona, Spain (online). [bibtex] [code] [poster]
La réécriture monolingue ou bilingue facilite-t-elle la compréhension ?
Yuming Zhai, Gabriel Illouz and Anne Vilnat (2020), In Proceedings of the 27th Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN'20). Nancy, France (online). [bibtex] [material]
Building an English-Chinese Parallel Corpus Annotated with Sub-sentential Translation Techniques
Yuming Zhai, Lufei Liu, Xinyi Zhong, Gabriel Illouz and Anne Vilnat (2020), In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'20). Marseille, France (online). [code] [bibtex]
Classification automatique des procédés de traduction
Yuming Zhai, Gabriel Illouz and Anne Vilnat (2019), In Proceedings of the 26th Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN'19). Toulouse, France. [slide][code][bibtex]
Conception d'un outil d'aide à la compréhension écrite pour les apprenants de français langue étrangère
Yuming Zhai, Gabriel Illouz and Anne Vilnat (2019), In Proceedings of the 9th Conférence Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH'19). Paris, France. [poster][bibtex]
Construction of a Multilingual Corpus Annotated with Translation Relations
Yuming Zhai, Aurélien Max and Anne Vilnat (2018), In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Linguistic Resources for Natural Language Processing@COLING (LR4NLP'18). Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. [slide][bibtex]
Construction d'un corpus multilingue annoté en relations de traduction
Yuming Zhai (2018), In Proceedings of the 20th REncontres jeunes Chercheurs en Informatique pour le TAL (RECITAL'18). Rennes, France. [poster][bibtex]


Étude sur l'apport de la sélection des caractéristiques dans la classification multi-classe des textes
Yuming Zhai (2016), Master thesis defended at National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO) (18/20). [slide]
Supervised by Gaël Patin and Damien Nouvel


Mobile learning for less-commonly taught languages: design and application
In the 20th International ChinaCALL conference (Beijing), 2024-08-24
Exploring the Design and Application of an Intelligent French Dictation Platform
In the international conference "Distance Education : A Brave New World ? Modalities, Challenges, Opportunities And Prospects" (Online), 2022-10-21
Research on the Design and Application Assessment of a Computer-assisted French Dictation Platform
In the 17th International ChinaCALL conference (Online), 2021-10-17
Classification automatique des procédés de traduction
In the 26th Conference "Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles" (Toulouse, France), 2019-07-04
Construction of a Multilingual Corpus Annotated with Translation Relations
In the workshop of Cross-lingual Analysis and Multilingual Parallel and Comparable Corpus Annotation: Present and Future Tendency. University of Paris Diderot, France. [slide], 2018-11-30
Construction of a Multilingual Corpus Annotated with Translation Relations
In the first Workshop on Linguistic Resources for Natural Language Processing@COLING, 2018-08-20


Last modification: 05/12/2019. Licence: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
If you reuse the EN-ZH annotation guidelines, please use this citation.
If you reuse the EN-FR annotation guidelines, please use this citation.
Annotation Guidelines of Translation Techniques for English-French
Annotation Guidelines of Translation Techniques for English-Chinese


Programming and database administration (Oracle SQL)

IUT of Orsay, France, with Anne Vilnat

bachelor 1st-year practical classes (21hrs)

Operating systems and concurrent computing (C)

University of Paris-Saclay, France, with Thomas Lavergne

bachelor 3rd-year practical classes (30hrs)

Introduction to object-oriented programming (Java)

University of Paris-Saclay, France, with Alice Jacquot

bachelor 2nd-year practical classes (24hrs)

Database management system (Oracle SQL)

University of Paris-Saclay, France, with Emmanuel Waller

bachelor 3rd-year practical classes (16.5hrs)

Advanced programming of interactive interfaces (JavaFX)

University of Paris-Saclay, France, with Ouriel Grynszpan

bachelor 3rd-year practical classes (27hrs)

French as a second language (Intermediate)

Beijing Foreign Studies University, China, with Shaomei Fu

master and PhD students (10hrs)

French as a second language (Elementary)

Beijing Foreign Studies University, China

bachelor students of the Institute of Online Education (24hrs)

French as a second language (Elementary)

Since 2024
North China Electric Power University, China

bachelor students (64hrs)

French as a second language (Intermediate)

Since 2024
North China Electric Power University, China

bachelor students (64hrs)

French for Oral Communication

Since 2025
North China Electric Power University, China

bachelor students (32hrs)

French-Chinese Comparison and Translation

Since 2024
North China Electric Power University, China

master students (16hrs)

Fundamentals and Applications of Language Intelligence

Since 2025
North China Electric Power University, China

master students (16hrs)

Thematic lesson (Large Language Model and Programming)

North China Electric Power University, China

master students (16hrs)


Peer review experience
Conferences: ACL, EMNLP 2020; EACL, ACL, EMNLP 2021
Journals: Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities, Frontiers in Psychology